
Do you believe in fortune telling?

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Do you believe in fortune telling?

A few days ago, a friend and I were talking about fortune telling. But inspired by my friend, I myself have some new views on the matter of fortune-telling.
Let's first consider the question, what does fortune-telling actually tell?
My friend said that the fortune teller was so accurate that she could tell when her mother would give birth to her brother. This is really amazing. Many fortune tellers can tell how many siblings a person has, how many children he or she is destined to have, how old he or she is when he or she encounters great difficulties, and when he or she is going to turn the corner, and so on. So it seems that fortune telling is about the trajectory of life.
Fortune tellers will say that a person's life is bitter or good. But it will never say that a person is destined to be happy or unhappy. If one's life is bitter, one may not be able to get rich in one's life, but if one's family members are in peace with each other, one will be very happy in one's life. A person with a good life may be able to live a life without food and clothing, but may not be happy.
A good life or a bitter life are both external conditions. Happiness or unhappiness depends on one's attitude and perception.
Some people may say, what if I don't believe in fortune-telling. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with fortune-telling anymore, as we have said, what fortune-telling is about is the trajectory of life, the result. But science also makes such predictions, so whether you believe in fortune-telling or science. After all, we have to consider a crucial question: what kind of attitude and concepts should be used to spend every day of one's life!

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