
Are people increasingly obsessed with Career Forecasts astrological activities?

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Are people increasingly obsessed with Career Forecasts astrological activities?

As long as a person is still willing to have his fortune told, it proves that he still has the motivation to pursue progress. Why do young people nowadays like fortune-telling more and more? Whether it's for graduate school, public examinations or love and marriage, they have to seek some guidance before making a major decision. Burning incense and worshipping Buddha has long ceased to be the exclusive hobby of the middle-aged and the elderly, and young people, who used to hold a disregarded attitude towards metaphysics, are now also interested in fortune-telling. In fact, young people like fortune-telling just because they are eager to find a ray of beauty and relief in the cruel world. Sometimes fortune-telling can help relieve our anxiety and reduce our fear of the unknown. But at the end of the day, do young people really believe what fortune-telling says? Can they rest easy when they see a horoscope blogger say that there will be a nobleman in the workplace this week? The truth is, young people are under tremendous pressure from their studies, careers and relationships, and there is nothing wrong with them just wanting to find a way to relieve themselves of their burdens by finding a place to turn to when the pressure is on. Although fortune-telling is only an answer given at a low cost, the real answer is clear to all of us in our hearts. Often, fortune-telling is just a way to give an extra push to something you have already made up your mind about. Therefore, we should not criticize the young people too much for what they do and how they do it. As long as all things can bring practical help to people and make them feel that life is getting better and better, then all these existences are reasonable and valuable. Therefore, young people like fortune-telling, in fact, it is also a way for them to pursue progress.

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