
Career Forecasts for Delivery Personnel

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Career Forecasts for Delivery Personnel

As a programmer in the autopilot industry, I can tell you loud and clear that it's only a matter of time before the delivery drivers of the future disappear. Unmanned delivery vehicles are all being developed now and have been in operation all along. It's just that they can't be rolled out on a large scale due to policy constraints.
Now the self-driving industry law is required to be equipped with a safety officer, unmanned delivery vehicles are generally equipped with followers, and unmanned delivery vehicles are not allowed to drive at night (this is the case in Beijing). Just imagine, once the policy is liberalized. Unmanned delivery vehicles can make a large area to promote, allowed to let the night delivery, that will be a big blow to the profession of the deliveryman.
Now the deliveryman is just a competition between people and people, the future is a competition between people and machines. And unmanned delivery vehicles can work without sleep except for charging, people simply can't compare. And the use of large quantities of unmanned delivery vehicles, the cost of unmanned delivery vehicles will become lower and lower, and the company will become more and more profitable. Unmanned vehicles do not need to open a salary, do not need to pay five insurance and one gold, even if the cost of building unmanned vehicles, but after all, it is a dead cost, but also the company's assets. If you are the boss, will you use the unmanned delivery vehicle or use human labor? This year, the unmanned delivery industry order delivery volume are growing exponentially, and it can be predicted that there will be more in the future.
The current period of rapid development of automatic driving is also since 2015, began to enter a period of rapid development, and now although the impact of the epidemic, coupled with the capital market is not good, the development of the slow period, but the development of space is to think about a great deal, the policy liberalization, then, will soon enter a period of rapid development again. Give the automatic driving industry more than 5 years, automatic driving law and policy to improve, automatic driving further landing, unmanned delivery allows night driving, then the delivery industry will soon have a lot of people out of work. There is still a long way to go, it is difficult to quickly replace manual labor, and even more difficult to completely replace manual labor.

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