
These 5 types of people are not suitable for Astrology Readings

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These 5 types of people are not suitable for Astrology Readings

Network this world is really a variety of people have, in order to better serve the sincere desire to understand their own astrology recently summarized some of the people who are not suitable for astrology:

  1. do not know their own birth hour, from the sense of astrology, the birth hour is very important. A difference of ten minutes, the open astrolabe may be different. Don't know your own birth hour, looking for our astrology is to give you the same day of birth of other people to see the disk?
  2. You just want to take a look at the astrolabe for free. You can be indifferent to their own fate or casual, but out of professional ethics, we are to be attentive and serious to each customer to see the astrolabe, so that we can afford to charge and conscience, so there is no such thing as a casual look at our. 3.
  3. Take other astrologer interpretation of the chat content sent to us for free verification. First of all, we never evaluate the level of any other peer astrology, and secondly, we do not have the time and more importantly, we do not have the obligation to verify the content of other astrologers, so please handle and judge for yourself!
  4. love lost, divorce, unemployment, seeking composite, seeking comfort people, a come up is to confide in us, genuinely as a sister very trust us, the problem is that a variety of confide in how to ask how to do how to get back together? First of all, we are professional astrologers, not emotional tutors, at most a professional tarot astrologer only. We can only help you find more life possibilities and solution paths by giving you a look at the astrolabe.
  5. peers. What do you want to ask out? Do you want to ask from which places our clients come from? We never want to compete and compare with any of our peers, we just want to be brave and do well for ourselves. Secondly, we always believe that our customers can always feel the heart of the plate! Skills enough professional, customers will certainly choose to trust!

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