
How to learn Astrology Readings?

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How to learn Astrology Readings?

In terms of system, Astrology Readings is divided into modern astrology and ancient astrology. Modern horoscopes are constantly on the move, focusing more on analyzing a person's psychology and behavior, and discovering talents. Ancient horoscopes focus on determining a person's pattern and later achievements. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, but as a beginner, try to start learning from the current horoscope, and learn ancient horoscope at the beginning, it is easy to create limitations in interpreting the horoscope. There are two main ways to learn astrology, enrollment classes and self-study.
First of all, if you learn by yourself, you need to make sure that you have enough time to practice every day, and that you are interested in astrology enough not to give up halfway. I have seen a lot of students who buy a book and want to start astrology, but after a week they don't want to learn it because it's too difficult. These problems don't exist when you enroll in a class, and there are some more expensive courses available.
So what do you need to learn about astrology? The three main areas are the planetary signs and houses, which are the basics that you need to know. These are the basics that you have to know. Then there are the compositions, and the advanced horoscopes.
In terms of time, enrollment is faster than self-study, basically one to two months to get started. Self-study if you can set aside three hours a day to learn the interpretation of the disk, three months can also start.

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