
Is fortune telling statistically somewhat scientific?

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Is fortune telling statistically somewhat scientific?

It can be said that life is determined from the moment of birth. Whether it is a horoscope, Chinese zodiac sign, Zi Wei Dou Shu, weighing bones or other methods, these commonly used means of fortune telling are all based on the moment of birth.
If we look at the statistics, is there a great similarity between the same sign or zodiac sign in terms of personality and life development process?
Scientifically, but not scientifically.
Let me put it to you this way, as long as you have understood the I Ching prediction, you should know that the prediction principle of I Ching is not at all a statistical kind of prediction method.
Ancient people are very smart, there are some things alone by people's various analysis is not able to achieve the purpose of prediction, such as the most common, to predict a variety of fate problems, this time you need to use "external forces"!
To put it simply, Yijing prediction is in fact through a metaphysical correspondence, the things you study correspond to another system, through the familiar system of deduction, back to your study of things so as to achieve the purpose of prediction.
We all know that each person carries different information about his or her life. There may be a lot of people who go to fortune tellers to tell their fortune and change their luck. And the fortune tellers in life are generally divided into three kinds of people. The first one is the one with real talent, and this type of fortune teller can indeed accurately see through the life information a person carries. The second, half-bottled, this type of fortune teller is able to tell something that happened in a person's past, as well as see the information in a person's eight characters, but it is neither comprehensive nor guaranteed to be completely accurate. The third kind is basically fake, this kind of person usually relies on believing and cheating people.

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