
Telling true stories about the fortune telling around you?

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Telling true stories about the fortune telling around you?

Since I can remember, from time to time, I have heard a lot of rumors about fortune-telling stories, I remember that at that time I think fortune-telling is a kind of feudal superstition, can not be trusted. But when I witnessed the fortune-telling predictions, I could not help but marvel a little "really! It's scary!
I would like to share with you the story of fortune-telling I witnessed!
At the end of last year, a friend of mine invited a friend to dinner, the table, in addition to me, my friend and his wife, but also sat a peculiar clothing, behavior strange old man. Later, after my friend was introduced to know, it turned out that this is his early acquaintance with a fortune-teller, today asked the old man to come mainly because his wife is pregnant, want to ask his wife is pregnant with a boy or a girl.
The old man just took his seat, my friend couldn't wait to ask up, only to see the old man inquired about the friend and his wife's situation, they will start the hexagrams. Not long after, the old man said "is a boy", my friend was very happy to hear, but at the same time there are some doubts. At this time I also said: "is a boy or girl are not your? Why do you think so much?" My friend thought, "Yes, anyway, now have a child is the same, the daughter also save a lot of worry".
I never expected! In the end, as the old man said, my friend was really happy to have a son, after this incident, my friend contacted the old man from time to time.
Not long ago, my friend's grandmother suffered from a serious illness! When he received the news, he hurriedly put down his work and rushed home without stopping. Back home, the results of the hospital side of the examination is only some old disease recurrence, not fatal, learned the news of the friend also instantly as a heavy burden. Afterwards, the friend also specially invited to the old man to the old family to the grandmother counted a fortune-telling, the results of the old man straight to the "value of the runes empty death, the life of the year in the door of death", meaning that the friend to get ready, the grandmother's death of the possibility of a great deal. Friends on the spot angrily yelled at the old man, "you are not allowed to curse my grandmother"! But I did not expect to be at home for a few days to take care of nothing happened, just as I went back to the city to work, my friend's grandmother really went away.

Since then, I also uphold the "rather believe it, not believe it" attitude, there are a lot of things in life is uncontrollable, perhaps you can not believe the more things are true. This is also a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

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